*Coming soon* Pastor Alan's new Sunday morning series will be from the book of Acts. The Wednesday night Bible study is currently the book of Daniel. Join us Sundays at 9:30am and Wednesday at 6:30pm.

Project Serve Fundraisers

Ashley Holmes is coordinating our Project Serve fundraisers, please use the contact form to connect with her and ask questions. You can also find Ashley & Zach in the lobby on Sundays.

Bake Sale Fundraiser is Sunday, May 8th before and after service. Contact Ashley to signup and bring baked goods.

Jonny Diaz Concert is Friday, May 20th. Tickets are $25 and must be purchased in advance on Eventbrite. Purchase here:

Yard Sale Fundraiser is Saturday, May 28th from 7am-2pm. Drop off your donation items every Sunday in May after service until 12:30pm. Look for Ashley & Zack in the foyer before and after service.

Youth Events

Secret Sister Reveal Lunch is Sunday, May 15th immediately following service.

Graduation Sunday is June 5th during the 9:30 am service. Please contact Pastor Tim with details about your graduate.

Vacation Bible School is June 20th-24th for pre-K-5th grade, 6:30 pm- Registration details to come. Volunteer with our VBS team! Sign up on Sunday, May 8th in the foyer. 

VBS Workdays are Saturday, June 4th, 11th and 18th.

Summer Event Schedule with camps and mission trips for children & youth is here:


Wednesday Night Bible Study & Dinner

The last Wednesday night dinner is May 25th. Dinners will begin again in September. Adult bible study will continue through the summer in the book of Daniel.

Church Picnic is Wednesday, June 1st at 5:30pm. No Bible study.

Men's Group

Men's Bible study will begin on Thurday, May 19th at 7pm. The men's group will continue to meet every THIRD Thursday of the month.

Men's Softball game schedule can be found here: Sort by Townsend Team 1 or Townsend Team 2.

Door of Hope-Baby Bottle Benefit 2022

Door of Hope is no longer handing out baby bottles to collect change. You can now participate in the virtual campaign by donating online here:

Our local pregnancy center is located on 316 E Main St in Middletown Crossing. 

Contact Form

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